Post Every Day!
We have learnt the power of consistent posting on Social Media. Traditionally, if you can use that word in alignment with Social Media, posting too frequently would cause somewhat of an algorithm penalty on your post. It seems that this has lessened on Meta apps like Instagram, and our guess is it’s likely due to Meta wanting to encourage more activity on Instagram versus the rising giant of TikTok. Speaking of TikTok, the same applies for posting as consistently, and regularly as possible on TikTok, LinkedIn and for some businesses, Pinterest as well.
Of course, you will miss a day here and there, we do too. However the main thing is that your default is to post daily, sometimes even twice a day!
Posting everyday has fast tracked us being able to test content to see what our audience responds best to. By rolling our sleeves up, accepting that some posts will do better than others, and posting relentlessly, this speeds up our ability to see what is of value to our followers.
If you are concerned that you will irritate your following, realise that people follow hundreds sometimes thousands of people. Your post is seconds within that scroll. These days, it’s very hard to show up too often in someones feed, however it’s very easy to not show up at all.
How can you post 30 posts in 30 days? It is surprisingly easier than you may think, but you need to realise the value first. To do it well, you need a mix of professional photos, iPhone reels, selfie videos, branded text posts, professional videos (if possible), and customer or client related posts. Yes, you will need to invest initially to get the ball rolling on this, however once you have a batch of content, you may find that it’s quite easy to continue from there. You will have content to re-purpose, or even things that you didn’t actually use from previous content creation batches.
From what we have seen, the benefit to your business is too great to ignore this area of your marketing. For example, we had one client stand in front of our DSLR camera, of course in an aesthetics space with good lighting and audio, and spoke about a bunch of different topics. We then cut that into 30+ videos, and she has been posting everyday. We can see that people are loving what she has to share, and if you’re a business owner, you will have interesting and helpful things to share too!
Many people get frozen by worrying about when to post. We have found that posting when you have the space to stay online and respond is as good, if not better, for the algorithm than a particular time of day. Remember, the newsfeed on Instagram, for example, isn’t in chronological order anymore; it is randomised based on how often you have engaged with that account.
Just do it ✔
We encourage you to make the most of a consistent social media strategy that is inline with your brand. Creating regular content benefits so many areas at the same time; your website, brand position, collateral, Google ranking, and of course your social media. This is why it’s a no brainer to invest in consistent content when it comes to maintaining and building your business further.